Calling All Hungry Vegetable Gardeners...

How to Grow a Crazy Amount of Veggies

in a Smaller Footprint

...and have a garden growing in as short as a weekend


Fill your Basket with Fresh, Organic Veggies

Spend Less Time and Effort in the Garden for More Reward

Set your Garden Up for Success so Pests Stay Away

You can grow your own food in less space and do it well!

If you are ready to take the guesswork out of vegetable gardening, you are in the right place. Whether you are starting from scratch with a new garden or finally making an effort to refine your methods after a few years of trial and error, the Square Foot Gardening Made Easy course is here to help.

  • Stop repeating mistakes of the past and commit to using an easy system to grow your food. Is growing in the ground feel more like torture than triumph?
  • Spend less time researching, wondering, and doubting your methods, and finally start growing with confidence. Have you posted onto Facebook and got 15 answers - which one do you do?
  • Overcome mistakes right from the beginning by getting personalized feedback on your garden setup and planting plan by a trained expert. Of those 15 Facebook responses, are any of them trained garden consultants like me?
What to Expect

By the end of this course, you will be able to...


Plan and build an effective garden layout using raised beds that maximize your growing season, uses less space than traditional gardens, and matches the goals you have for your family.


Grow strong, healthy plants by preparing the proper soil, using simple plant spacing techniques to maximize production, and growing some plants vertically.

Maintain and Harvest

Reduce your time and maintenance effort by setting up systems for watering and pest management. Harvest the plants at the right time and plant again immediately to get more harvests.

me too garden movement

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now. I always lacked the time and energy to put into it. After I had my daughter, it became more important to provide nutritious, pesticide-free food for her and use the systems that worked. 

Since I'm a plant doctor and garden consultant, I've solved thousands of problems for homeowners and professionals for the last 15 years. Problems such as:

  • Poor soil conditions
  • Improper watering
  • Plants that are stunted and unproductive
  • Pests and diseases killing the plants
  • Wildlife nibbling plants until they are nubs

I provide proactive vegetable gardening strategies so that the problems rarely occur in the first place, but if they do, you know exactly what to do.


Grow Organic Vegetables

Square Foot Gardening Made Easy Course

The Square Foot Gardening technique will help you grow more food in a smaller footprint than a traditional garden.


What's in the course? 

you'll receive the following...

Total Value: $525

Video Training 

From building and planning your garden to harvesting your plants, this comprehensive training will guide you on the square foot gardening technique. (Value $197)


This 60-page workbook includes video guides, action plans, and helpful tables that will ensure your success in the garden. (Value $97)

Interactive Learning

The modules are packed with engaging activities and quizzes to reinforce your learning and ensure you understand the concepts covered. (Value $50)

Bonus 1: How-to Guides

With these guides, get step-by-step instructions on how to build a bed, elevated garden and grid, and seed-starting light. Get expert tips for growing your seeds indoors. (Value $47)

Bonus 2: Checklists

Reduce your time by referring to this shopping list and checklist for set-up and maintenance. This combines all the information in two documents. (Value $37)

Bonus 3: Private Community and Podcast

Join a private student-only community so that you can get more eyes on your garden plans and questions answered throughout the year. Listen to the videos on the go through your own private podcast so you can absorb the material quickly and know what you where you want to take a deeper dive. (Value $97)


This is for you if you are a...


✅New gardener looking to start their own vegetable garden.
✅Urban dwellers with limited outdoor space looking to maximize their gardening potential.
✅ Busy professionals who desire a low-maintenance gardening method.
✅Retiree seeking a fulfilling and rewarding hobby in their golden years.
✅Family looking to teach their children about the joys of gardening and sustainable living.
✅Health-conscious individual who wants to ensure their vegetables are organic and pesticide-free.

Student Transformations

"I enjoyed learning about how I can grow more veggies in the square foot garden. I found the course really helpful in that you provided so many charts that we could copy and keep for reference."

- Marie Conley

"I learned something new everyday. Even having gardened for several years, I was glad to learn new processes and get information to help improve both the health of my garden and increase my yield. The accompanying workbook was a tool for me to address elements of planning as well as keep my notes organized. The course was presented at a good pace and there are great references available on the resource page. Thanks for a great class."

- Penny Hanna

"The course really helped me revitalize my garden. Taking the concepts of square foot gardening I learned, I applied that to my old, temperamental in-ground beds and found greater success. It has given me the confidence to start a whole new raised bed garden."

- James Vrhovac

Let's Break it Down:

Modules Included

🥕 Introduction to Square Foot Gardening

🥕 Designing your Vegetable Garden

🥕 Planning your Square Foot Garden

🥕 Gardening Vertically

🥕 Mel's Mix Growing Medium

🥕 Planting your Square Foot Garden

🥕 Maintaining your Square Foot Garden

🥕 Managing Pests and Diseases

🥕 Harvesting and Storing Produce

🥕 Make your Own Compost

Support Included

🥬 Activities/Scenarios to practice the difficult parts of gardening (answers included)

🥬 Module quizzes with detailed corrections to guide your understanding

🥬 Review of garden designs or plans via a private Facebook group

🥬 Support of other gardeners in the students-only Facebook group

Resources Included

🍅60-page Workbook with video guides, useful tables, and action items

🍅 Square Foot Garden Shopping List- easily identify what you need to get started

🍅 Checklist for Set-up and Maintenance - refer to this guide before you plant and while you garden

🍅 Elevated Beds and Benches - 3-pg step-by-step plans on how to build them

🍅Starting Seeds under Lights - 3-pg guide with construction plans to build a DIY grow light

🍅 Private Podcast of the training

🍅 Links to blogs on specialized topics, helpful websites, and places to purchase materials

What's My Investment?

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your garden so that more nutrient-packed vegetables reach the dinner table. Purchase Square Foot Garden Made Easy today and make these steps to increase your health and wellbeing that gardening can bring.



  • 10 videos that you can do whenever you have time (over 2 hours of content)
  • 60-pg workbook
  • Activities and quizzes
  • BONUS 1: Square Foot Garden Guide, Elevated Beds and Benches, and Starting Seeds Under Lights
  • BONUS 2: Square Foot Gardening Shopping List, Checklist for Maintenance and Set-up
  • BONUS 3: Private Podcast of training and Members-only Facebook Group for support


We are confident that our vegetable gardening courses will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance your gardening skills. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the course within the first 30 days of enrollment, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

still have questions?


Still don't have the answers you were looking for? Feel free to contact me [email protected]


What's My Investment?

We understand that your vegetable garden is more than just a hobby - it's a labor of love. That's why we've packed so much value into our Square Foot Garden Made Easy program. Here's what you'll receive:



  • 10 videos that you can do whenever you have time (over 2 hours of content)
  • 60-pg workbook
  • Activities and quizzes
  • BONUS 1: Square Foot Garden Guide, Elevated Beds and Benches, and Starting Seeds Under Lights
  • BONUS 2: Square Foot Gardening Shopping List, Checklist for Maintenance and Set-up
  • BONUS 3: Private Podcast of training and Members-only Facebook Group for support

Are you tired of buying vegetables at the store when you could grow them at home?

Here are 5 opportunities waiting for you when you address these struggles with Square Foot Gardening Made Easy:

  1. Gain knowledge about growing vegetables: No more guesswork or trial and error. Understand the best practices for planting and nurturing a variety of vegetables.

  2. Combat pests and diseases: Learn proven techniques to keep your garden healthy and free from harmful pests and diseases.

  3. Maximize limited space: Discover how to use every inch of your space productively, even if you don't have a traditional garden.

  4. Enjoy fresh homegrown produce: Imagine picking fresh vegetables right from your backyard. It's possible with Square Foot Gardening.

  5. Save on grocery bills: The more you grow, the less you spend on store-bought vegetables. It's a win-win!

Don't let this chance pass you by. The knowledge, savings, and satisfaction of growing your own vegetables are just a click away. Get the Square Foot Garden Made Easy course now and start your journey to becoming a successful small-space gardener today!